Topic: Blink LED (RP2040) (Read 15 Times)
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To open the Blink LED example, click on the navigation menu button on the top left side of the screen. Then, click on 'open example' as shown below.

Once the 'Pick Example Code To Load' window opens, select 'Blink LEDS(RP-2040)' as shown below.

Now, the Blink LED project will open up. To flash the code onto your board, follow the instructions in Section 3 of the Making Your First Project tutorial.























Breakdown of

1. Attribute Macros and Imports


  • #![no_std] removes the standard library to make the code suitable for bare-metal (embedded) programming.
  • #![no_main] tells Rust that we are defining our own entry point instead of using the standard main() function.

Low-Level and HAL Imports

    use core::fmt::Write;
    use core::panic::PanicInfo;
    use cortex_m_rt::entry;
    use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin;

This section imports necessary Rust core libraries and traits:

  • core::fmt::Write: Used for formatted output (though unused in this example).
  • core::panic::PanicInfo: Provides panic handling support.
  • cortex_m_rt::entry: Defines the program entry point.
  • embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin: Trait to control GPIO pins as digital outputs.

Board-Specific Imports

    use adafruit_feather_rp2040::hal as hal;
    use hal::{
        clocks::{init_clocks_and_plls, Clock},
    use adafruit_feather_rp2040::{Pins, XOSC_CRYSTAL_FREQ};
  • The hal (Hardware Abstraction Layer) provides access to microcontroller peripherals.
  • The init_clocks_and_plls() function is used to configure system clocks.
  • Watchdog is initialized for system stability.
  • Sio (Single-Cycle IO) is used for GPIO initialization.

2. Panic Handler

    fn panic(_panic_info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
        loop {}
  • This function defines a panic handler, which is required in no_std environments.
  • In case of a panic, the program enters an infinite loop.

3. Main Function (Entry Point)

    fn main() -> ! {
  • The #[entry] macro marks the function as the main entry point.
  • The function has a ! return type, meaning it never returns.

Peripheral and Clock Initialization

    let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    let core = pac::CorePeripherals::take().unwrap();
    let mut watchdog = Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
  • pac::Peripherals::take() retrieves access to microcontroller peripherals.
  • pac::CorePeripherals::take() grants access to core peripherals.
  • A Watchdog timer is created to prevent system hangs.
    let clocks = init_clocks_and_plls(
        &mut pac.RESETS,
        &mut watchdog,
  • The system clock is configured using the external crystal frequency.

GPIO and Timer Setup

    let sio = Sio::new(pac.SIO);
    let pins = Pins::new(
        &mut pac.RESETS,
  • Sio::new(pac.SIO) initializes the single-cycle IO system.
  • Pins::new() initializes GPIO pins.
    let mut timer = cortex_m::delay::Delay::new(core.SYST, clocks.system_clock.freq().to_Hz());
    let mut led_pin = pins.d13.into_push_pull_output();
  • A Delay timer is created using the system clock.
  • The onboard LED (pin D13) is configured as an output.

4. LED Blinking Loop

    loop {
  • The LED turns off (set_low()), waits for 500ms, turns on (set_high()), and waits again.


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